
Hi There – I’m Carrie Ann.

I’m an editorial travel & lifestyle photographer living in the Midwest United States.  I love to take photographs, telling visual stories around the world and at home for books and magazines.

Photography for me has been an amazing journey, but I know it can be difficult as a beginner or trying to find inspiration can be a daunting task.  When I was a beginning my photography, I wish I had someone in the field to consult or get tips.

My passion is to use my 16+  years as a photographer to teach and inspire other women photographers to create photography that connects them with their heart and soul….fulfills them as an artist!  Photography is more than just people, places and flavors through words and visuals images.  It’s the stories behind the making of them, and how your heart was filled with pure joy and  inspiration during the creative process.


My philosophy I learned from my late father is to keep it simple.  I try to honor him by living simply and find the beauty and balance in my everyday life.  With these core values, it makes it easy to incorporate simplicity into your creative process.   Surround yourself with people and things that tell a visual story – capture what inspires you.  That is truly living, right?

My life as a photographer has been an  amazing journey telling stories of food and culture, for which I am SO grateful. I realized how much I love not only photography, but the passion in making every image. With my experience as a photographer and living simply, I am super excited to bring that joy to you through tips, inspiration and photography courses!

Have a question, or need help with your photography project?  Are you totally lost when it comes to where to start to setting your camera out of auto mode?  Let’s book a coaching session!  Let’s hone in on what inspires you, strip back all the confusion when it comes to taking great photos and reignite your passion for photography.

I want to show you how to pave your own creative path to grow and flourish as a photographer!

Sound good to you?


Let’s do this!

For bookings & inquiries, contact me:



Carrie Ann